This past July, nearly 5 months ago already, I went on a vacation bound to go down in my history books. With 2 of my best girlfriends, we drove out to the beautiful state of California and for 2 weeks, camped down the coast.
Top 10 favorite moments:
10. Becoming an experienced camper. Complete with the knowledge on how to set up a tent, cook dinner and start a fire all within 30 minutes.
9. San Fransisco and camping here: (yes that is the Golden Gate Bridge behind our tiny tent).
8. Realizing that July in NOT California's warm month and seeing a lot of grey:

not too worry..we did finally see the sun at the end of our trip!*
7. Going to the M&M store in Las Vegas. (we HAD to, M&M's and I share the same initials).
6. Tasting the fresh fruit of California (and for dirt cheap!)
5. Walking down Hollywood Blvd; seeing Judy Garland's hand and footprints.
4. Wine tasting in Monterey. Enough said.
3. Sunbathing on Corando Island in San Diego where the beaches sparkled like gold
2. Feeling the ocean spray hit your face, falling asleep to the crash of the waves and waking up to dolphins! (sadly, no pictures were taken of said dolphins...)
1. Making memories with 2 of my best friends and relishing in God's creation