1. Ok, so much for blogging every Friday. It's been a whole month! I think about my blog every day, and the things I could write about, but then I sit down to write, and I just can't do it. Maybe I can call it writer's block? Hopefully this fades soon, I do miss the blogging world when I'm away for so long!
2. I am in Champaign, Illinois right now for FOCUS summer training. I've been here for a week and will be here for another week until I have to drive across the country again to get home. This may be my favorite summer training I've attended and I am very surprised that I have enjoyed myself so much. The people are great, the classes are great-I don't know if I'll be ready to leave next week and that's definitely never been the case the last 2 years!
3. My team and I went to the driving range today. My teammate Joey taught us girls how and I don't think I'll be going pro anytime soon! It was a ton of fun, and I was getting the hang of it by the time we were finished. Looks like I'll just have to keep brushing up on my skills when I'm back home. Maybe in a year I'll be ready to go pro-we'll see.
4. I am once again amazed at how fast time flies! I spent a whole month at home, enjoying my family and relaxing thinking that I had all the time in the world. That month is long gone and it's full speed ahead until I return to campus August 13. I have California, weddings, grandparents and my birthday all to look forward to until then. It's going to be a packed month and a half!
5. Speaking of California, I cannot wait to be on the beach!! I am so excited to be able to spend quality time with my good friends and see part of the country I haven't ever seen. Camping down the coast of California is going to be an amazing experience in itself. Good thing I just bought a new camera to document all the beauty I will see!
6. I re-took the 4 temperments test to see if anything has changed over the course of the year. I am 80% phelgmatic and 20% melancholic. So, incase you're wondering, no, nothing has changed. If you would like the full description of what that means, please read this.
7. Tomorrow there is a rodeo in town. I'm so there.
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