Thursday, March 18, 2010

Food for Thought

Today is day 2 of my attempt at Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. She's one tough cookie! I'm excited to keep going with this workout routine because it is intense, but quick. When I'm through, I feel like I have actually accomplished something, even in 20 minutes. It's great! Along with that, I am running and now that the weather is starting to be more beautiful every day, I can't wait to start running outside!

I have had food on my mind for the past few days. I know I blogged earlier this year about my new lactose free diet my doctor put me on. It's been harder than I thought it would and with the idea of possibly needing to go completely gluten free too has me craving carbs and dairy like it's going out of style. I get frustrated with myself because I let myself have more cheat days then I really should. I think this stems from feeling like an inconvenience, especially when dining out or with friends. I hate being the 'picky eater' that needs to know what we're eating and then ask for a special meal. Instead, I just don't say anything, and then pay for it later. If I didn't have such a guilty conscience, I think I could get away with this but, alas I can't let myself go too long without suddenly feeling like a slacker and a cheater. I have started to think about how this isn't the way to take care of my body or glorify God through the body He gave me. When I'm feeling sick, because of my own stupidity, I can't help but think: 'why is it so hard to give it up when I know the outcome?' How can I better take care of myself? By sucking it up and saying goodbye to dairy and as much gluten as possible. I'll feel better, I won't be sick and my body will be healthier. I've been doing some research and I have found many wonderful websites to give me recipe and food ideas while on this diet. There are even blogs of other people who are completely gluten free for me to read. It's my own mini-support network! I'm ready to dive in and change my lifestyle in order to better my body. I am excited about it too-just not the self disciple it's going to take to change and keep going, even when I hear my favorite ice cream calling my name :)

When I discover some recipe's that I really love I'll post them here.

To complete the randomness of this blog, I have one last thought. I really, really am passionate about dental hygiene! I went to the dentist today (and I'll admit, I haven't been in awhile..oops!) But I walked away with a sore mouth just from a cleaning! I had to keep reminding myself that the dentist had seen far worse teeth then mine, but I was so embarrassed! I keep good care of my teeth, but somebody in my family passed down the genetic bad enamel and weak teeth to me! After leaving the dentist's office, I promptly went to the store and bought fluoride rinse, fluoride/anti-cavity toothpaste and looked into an electric toothbrush (I really wish my budget allowed for one of those right now!) I always brush and floss, but I'm going to be more diligent about it. 2 minutes of brushing and never going to bed with out a good floss! I'm serious! Every one should do that! I am determined to keep good care of my teeth up to my old age and my children will have good dental hygiene too!

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