Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Christmas Cookie Bakery

I turned my house into a bakery this week. Every year I come home for Christmas and promptly get put in charge of baking all our Christmas sweets. These are the things I should start to look forward to and expect: first my mom and I sit down and go through all her recipes, drooling over everything that sounds good and reminding ourselves that we can't bake everything. Then, as our solution, we decide that everyone in our family gets to choose their favorite cookie recipe. Finally, the shopping list is made and I'm ready to go!
I love to bake, but every year, about this same time I vow to have help next year...then next year rolls around and I find myself saying the same thing! Coming from an Italian family my mom grew up making cookies for every large family event. Weddings, birthdays, holidays, etc. So, it only seems fitting that we continue to make outlandish amounts of cookies to carry on the tradition, right?

7 different kinds of cookies later...yes, the tradition continues!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Easing back into blogging...Top 10 favorite California moments

This past July, nearly 5 months ago already, I went on a vacation bound to go down in my history books. With 2 of my best girlfriends, we drove out to the beautiful state of California and for 2 weeks, camped down the coast.

Top 10 favorite moments:

10. Becoming an experienced camper. Complete with the knowledge on how to set up a tent, cook dinner and start a fire all within 30 minutes.

9. San Fransisco and camping here: (yes that is the Golden Gate Bridge behind our tiny tent).

8. Realizing that July in NOT California's warm month and seeing a lot of grey:
*not too worry..we did finally see the sun at the end of our trip!*

7. Going to the M&M store in Las Vegas. (we HAD to, M&M's and I share the same initials).

6. Tasting the fresh fruit of California (and for dirt cheap!)

5. Walking down Hollywood Blvd; seeing Judy Garland's hand and footprints.

4. Wine tasting in Monterey. Enough said.

3. Sunbathing on Corando Island in San Diego where the beaches sparkled like gold

2. Feeling the ocean spray hit your face, falling asleep to the crash of the waves and waking up to dolphins! (sadly, no pictures were taken of said dolphins...)

1. Making memories with 2 of my best friends and relishing in God's creation

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I love to take pictures. I hope one day to take a good photography course and own my own studio. Right now, I just like to pretend to take good pictures, and I want to share some of them. Here are a few of my favorites:

Franciscan Monastery garden in Washington DC (Above and below)

Annapolis, Maryland

Cherry Blossom Festival in DC

Snowy afternoon at the University of Maryland

Friday, June 25, 2010

7 Quick Takes Vol. 2

1. Ok, so much for blogging every Friday. It's been a whole month! I think about my blog every day, and the things I could write about, but then I sit down to write, and I just can't do it. Maybe I can call it writer's block? Hopefully this fades soon, I do miss the blogging world when I'm away for so long!

2. I am in Champaign, Illinois right now for FOCUS summer training. I've been here for a week and will be here for another week until I have to drive across the country again to get home. This may be my favorite summer training I've attended and I am very surprised that I have enjoyed myself so much. The people are great, the classes are great-I don't know if I'll be ready to leave next week and that's definitely never been the case the last 2 years!

3. My team and I went to the driving range today. My teammate Joey taught us girls how and I don't think I'll be going pro anytime soon! It was a ton of fun, and I was getting the hang of it by the time we were finished. Looks like I'll just have to keep brushing up on my skills when I'm back home. Maybe in a year I'll be ready to go pro-we'll see.

4. I am once again amazed at how fast time flies! I spent a whole month at home, enjoying my family and relaxing thinking that I had all the time in the world. That month is long gone and it's full speed ahead until I return to campus August 13. I have California, weddings, grandparents and my birthday all to look forward to until then. It's going to be a packed month and a half!

5. Speaking of California, I cannot wait to be on the beach!! I am so excited to be able to spend quality time with my good friends and see part of the country I haven't ever seen. Camping down the coast of California is going to be an amazing experience in itself. Good thing I just bought a new camera to document all the beauty I will see!

6. I re-took the 4 temperments test to see if anything has changed over the course of the year. I am 80% phelgmatic and 20% melancholic. So, incase you're wondering, no, nothing has changed. If you would like the full description of what that means, please read this.

7. Tomorrow there is a rodeo in town. I'm so there.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nice Strangers

Yesterday my sister and I took a quick trip (quick is relative here-a "quick trip" is actually a 20 minute jaunt to the next town) to Coldstone. We wanted an ice cream fix before watching the finale of Lost. When we were paying for our ice cream, the lady behind me comes up and says to me, "you have the most beautiful hair! Do people tell you that all the time?" I turned around and smiled and said thank you. I was flattered. I don't usually get compliments from complete strangers! She made my day. I definitely left the ice cream shop happier than when I came in!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

A little taste of heaven:

1 cup Chocolate milk
1 medium size banana
1 Tbsp peanut butter
1/2 cup ice

Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!

I promise you won't be disappointed!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Brings Joy to my life

I have watched these 2 videos many times, and each time they bring a smile to my face:

Little girl singing Taylor Swift

Kicking Monsters

Little kids are the best!

Trying it out: 7 Quick Takes

I have come across many blogs recently (some of my favorite day-to-day stops) that have their own version of Conversion Diary's "7 Quick takes" and I want to try it out too. We will see if I follow through every Friday!

Volume 1.

1. I am home!
Two weeks ago I was chomping at the bit to get home and take a break. Now I am home and don't know what I'm going to do to without being surrounded by UNC life. It's funny that the saying is true-the grass isn't always greener on the other side! I am so blessed with the job I have and I am most certainly going to enjoy the break but it is a weird feeling going from non-stop craziness in Greeley, to quiet, laid-back home!

2. Bittersweet
These past few days have left me feeling especially melancholy and bittersweet. I've had to say goodbye to dear friends and I have shed many tears. I am so resistant to change! I know all I need is time to think everything over, but because the feelings are so fresh, that is hard to do. I am so blessed with the people in my life! I am so thankful that I was given a chance, and then brought into a place where I was cared for and loved. I was made part of the family and I will cherish the memories and always be thankful. I am so excited for all my friends and their new opportunities and the ways that the Lord is blessing their lives!

3. Baseball games and crepes
This weekend is full of fun things to do! In the morning I am going to attempt to make crepes for the first time. My roommate Claire, who is from France makes them all the time and just taught me how. I'm hoping I live up to her standards! I am also going to my third Rockies baseball game of the season. I'm excited for a good night with friends, (hopefully) sunshine and a great game. Go Rockies!

4. Plane Tickets
In June I will be attending my first Ordination Ceremony. My dear friend, Deacon Ed will be ordained a priest for the Arlington, VA diocese! I am so thrilled for him and so excited to witness a this beautiful Sacrament! The only downfall is right now I am having a heck of a time trying to find decent plane tickets. It kills me to think of spending $500 for a 2 day trip. Things like this are not really in the budget, but I want to be there so badly for my friend that I think the financial sacrifice will be worth it.

5. 100 days
There are exactly 100 days from today to the beginning of the new school year. I have decided to commit those days to reaching my goal of running a half marathon. I have extra time because I do not have to attend all 5 weeks of summer training and I have decided to put that time to good use! I want to go back into the year feeling accomplished and proud of myself for reaching a goal.
13.1 miles, bring it.

6. Book lists
I am in need of new books to read! At this point in time I am not reading anything! This is a strange feeling because growing up I never was without a book (or 2 or 3 :-) ). I have a few I would like to read and a few I must. Some of the top choices right now are: Essays on Women (Collected works of Edith Stein), Pride and Prejudice, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, A Severe Mercy, Weapons of Mass Instruction and the list goes on and on....

7. Regulated Schedule
I am going to try my hardest to be on a good schedule while I'm home. I want to catch up on sleep, workout, cook dinner for my family, work on fundraising and leave room for leisure. I can be such a night owl that I stay up for no reason and then sleep in late. That's a habit that needs to be kicked out of my life! I have so many fun things planned this summer as well, that I don't want to waste time either!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Here Comes Summer

These past few days I have been reflecting on my memories of summer break. The long awaited 3 months of pure bliss that couldn't arrive soon enough the last few days of school. 3 months of lazy days, enjoying the sunshine without a care in the world. No homework, no school, nothing to do but be free.

The last few weeks, while watching the students prepare for finals and move out of the dorms, I felt the looming excitement of summer. Now, the parking lots are deserted, the dorms are quiet and the senior class has graduated. I am finished with all my commitments and I'll be going home soon-but I don't feel the "free-ness" summer brings along with it.

I think I am experiencing a weird "rite of passage" in life that happens to everyone as they grow older. Summer is no longer a "break" from reality. "Real life" continues each day, even through the 3 blissful months of summer. My summer is pack full of things to do! It's on to more fundraising, summer training and continuing my formation. I can't help but think that now I know how my parents felt when we were done with school and they had to continue to go to work. I never understood!
This will be an interesting summer, and even with the work that will need to be done, there are many fun things tucked inside-like friend's weddings, an ordination and a trip to California, but long gone are the continuous lazy summer days!

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Love

I love, love, LOVE this blog!
It makes my heart so happy!

The loveliest woman

Mom. That word seems so small for the greatness that defines it.
My mom is patient, funny, strong and to top it off she has a huge heart to love people with.
If we had been the same age at the same time, I think we would have been friends. Instead, I am privileged to be her daughter.
For 9 months she carried me right under her heart- and there was a bond created that is so special, so unique to just me and her it can never be broken or reproduced.
I secretely love when people ask if we are sisters. It means I'll continue to grow up and look just like her.
Thank you for giving me your beautiful brown eyes. You are the prettiest woman I know.

I've grown up watching and learning from her. Some points in her life have not been easy, and I have seen the pain and hurt she carries with her. She does not dwell in the past, and she moves fearlessly into the future-knowing that God is with her every step of the way.

Every time she's sacrificed one of her desires or wants, it was because she wanted to give us our desires and make us happy. Even if it goes unsaid, those sacrifices are noticed and appreciated. She's taught me so many things and I can't wait to continue to learn from her.
Life is good (if I may put it ever so simply) with my mother in my life.
I am so very, very blessed because she is my mother.

(Caitlin, my mom, me and Erin before Christmas Eve Mass 2009)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Food for Thought

Today is day 2 of my attempt at Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. She's one tough cookie! I'm excited to keep going with this workout routine because it is intense, but quick. When I'm through, I feel like I have actually accomplished something, even in 20 minutes. It's great! Along with that, I am running and now that the weather is starting to be more beautiful every day, I can't wait to start running outside!

I have had food on my mind for the past few days. I know I blogged earlier this year about my new lactose free diet my doctor put me on. It's been harder than I thought it would and with the idea of possibly needing to go completely gluten free too has me craving carbs and dairy like it's going out of style. I get frustrated with myself because I let myself have more cheat days then I really should. I think this stems from feeling like an inconvenience, especially when dining out or with friends. I hate being the 'picky eater' that needs to know what we're eating and then ask for a special meal. Instead, I just don't say anything, and then pay for it later. If I didn't have such a guilty conscience, I think I could get away with this but, alas I can't let myself go too long without suddenly feeling like a slacker and a cheater. I have started to think about how this isn't the way to take care of my body or glorify God through the body He gave me. When I'm feeling sick, because of my own stupidity, I can't help but think: 'why is it so hard to give it up when I know the outcome?' How can I better take care of myself? By sucking it up and saying goodbye to dairy and as much gluten as possible. I'll feel better, I won't be sick and my body will be healthier. I've been doing some research and I have found many wonderful websites to give me recipe and food ideas while on this diet. There are even blogs of other people who are completely gluten free for me to read. It's my own mini-support network! I'm ready to dive in and change my lifestyle in order to better my body. I am excited about it too-just not the self disciple it's going to take to change and keep going, even when I hear my favorite ice cream calling my name :)

When I discover some recipe's that I really love I'll post them here.

To complete the randomness of this blog, I have one last thought. I really, really am passionate about dental hygiene! I went to the dentist today (and I'll admit, I haven't been in awhile..oops!) But I walked away with a sore mouth just from a cleaning! I had to keep reminding myself that the dentist had seen far worse teeth then mine, but I was so embarrassed! I keep good care of my teeth, but somebody in my family passed down the genetic bad enamel and weak teeth to me! After leaving the dentist's office, I promptly went to the store and bought fluoride rinse, fluoride/anti-cavity toothpaste and looked into an electric toothbrush (I really wish my budget allowed for one of those right now!) I always brush and floss, but I'm going to be more diligent about it. 2 minutes of brushing and never going to bed with out a good floss! I'm serious! Every one should do that! I am determined to keep good care of my teeth up to my old age and my children will have good dental hygiene too!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St. Joseph ~ Pray for Us

This Friday is the feast day of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary. These past few days I have been praying a novena for his intercession. Today, while I was praying, the words in today's specific prayer really struck me. Today's prayer was centered on the family and I want to remember to pray this prayer for my family and then for the family I will have one day. It's a beautiful portrayal of what families should be striving for-to be like the Holy Family. So here is the prayer:

Saint Joseph, I venerate you as the gentle head of the Holy Family. You lived, moved, and acted in the loving company of Jesus and Mary, even died in their arms. Your family life at Nazareth radiated divine charity. Jesus chose to fulfill toward you all the duties of a faithful son, showing you every mark of honor and affection due to a parent, and Mary loved you as a devoted wife. You responded to this love and veneration with the deepest love and respect. You had for Jesus a true fatherly love, and your love for Mary grew stronger every day. God has made you the patron of family life because of how peacefully and happily the Holy Family rested under the care of your fatherly rule. You are the patron and intercessor of families, and you deserve a place in every home.

Saint Joseph, please obtain God's blessing upon my own family. Make our home and the home of each Christian family the kingdom of Jesus and Mary- a kingdom of peace, joy, and love.

Grant that we may be reunited in God's Kingdom and eternally live in the company of the Holy Family in heaven.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Learning to be loved

I am a selfish person. I realize this fact on a daily basis. Today, it dawned on me when I all of a sudden became irrationally mad at a friend. She didn't do anything wrong, I know she loves me with all of her heart. She would do anything for me. Sometimes, in my prideful, selfish way, this is not good enough. I need more, I want to be loved in a certain way. I know the ways in which I receive and give love best. I know, in my rational thinking, the way my family and friends give and receive love, so why do I seem to constantly struggle with feeling like I'm not loved enough?
In a world where every one is desperately seeking love, I need to be thankful for what I have because it overflows in every deep crevice of my being. I pray for understanding, gentleness and docility towards all the people in my life every day. I want to understand without hesitating how each person I know loves me. I want to understand how I can best love them back.
I believe that this insecurity of mine is coming to rear it's ugly head because Jesus is allowing me to see deeper into my wounded heart. Now that I am back in a place where I feel comfortable He is asking me to go deeper in prayer with him. This call to a deeper prayer life is also a call to trust him, despite the hurt and pain of revealed wounds I didn't know I had.
Writing this all out has helped ease that unnecessary sensitivity. I'm offering up prayers for my friend tonight, for her heart and for all the love she has to give.

"Love demands expression. It will not stay silent, be good, be modest, be seen and not heard, no. It will break out in tongues of praise, the high note that smashes the glass and spills the liquid." -Winterson

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Men of Honor

This is a double standard:
I want to marry a man, love him and cherish him. I want to marry my best friend, someone I respect and honor. He will be my hero. He will not be "one of the children" or a "dumb buffoon" that my children and I will mock. He will provide and care for our family and I will give him the dignity he deserves. These expectations and desires of mine should not come as a surprise to anyone, nor should they be made fun of or laughed at. But, alas, there is a chance I will be scoffed at. It is demanded that the dignity of women be upheld and revered within society. Why shouldn't it be the same for men?


It is almost the end of January. 4 weeks into the new year. I have never been one to set or follow through on any new year resolutions, but this year is different. I have things I want to accomplish, I want to follow through and achieve something.
I am going to run a half marathon. So far, the training is going slowly, and there are days when all I want to do is throw in the towel. I think I'm crazy most days-who in their right mind agrees to run 13.1 miles? Me, apparently. I'll keep updating on how this is going. I just bought new running shoes and I got all excited again. Hopefully that excitement will stay with me once I hop back on the treadmill tomorrow :)
I am praying a 54 day rosary novena and put myself on a dating fast for the entirety of it. My heart has been in 5 different directions lately and I want to re-center myself on the most important relationship I can have: me and the Lord. I'm on a dating fast because I'm praying for my future spouse and I don't want to be distracted by all the men, dreams or wild imaginations that come into my life and make me want to settle for mediocrity. I was made for greatness, even in my relationships. Sweet heart of Mary, pray for me!
Lastly, and possibly the most important goal I want to achieve: gain my self confidence back. I want to believe that I am worthy and good. I used to believe in myself and love all of my traits, talents and strengths. Now, I become flustered because I don't like sushi and my friends do, or I happen to like a different football team...ridiculous and crazy thoughts run through my head daily, and I never used to be so insecure. A lot of who I am got covered up and hazy these past few months. I am determined to not only prove to my coworkers, family and friends that who I am is lovable and wonderful, but I need to prove it to myself.

So here I go, stepping out in the direction of confidence, prayer and 13.1 miles...ready, set...GO!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Soy-My New Best Friend

I am by nature a picky eater. I know what I like and I'm not the first one to suggest trying something new. I have been like this my entire life. Now, because of doctor's orders, I am to eat a strict, Lactose free diet. This is supposed to help me feel better, but all I can think about is how I'm not ever going to be able to eat ice cream again. Ok, yes, maybe that's a little dramatic, but when I came home last night, all I wanted was a big glass of milk-and I couldn't! So what's a picky girl like me to do? My wonderful mother brought home some lactose free milk. I tried it, and promptly told her I wouldn't be drinking any more of it. It tasted funny and I can't handle "tasting funny." So, good thing there was still one more option to try: Soy milk. Many of my friends drink it and told me I would like it. I was still hesitant, but this morning I bought 2 little bottles of chocolate and vanilla soy milk. To much of my surprise, I do actually like the soy milk! YAY! I think I have found a solution to my picky-problem and will be venturing further into the goodness of soy milk products. Now all that I need to do: find out if ice cream comes made with soy......

Monday, January 11, 2010


I have a new appreciation for stay at home mothers. They are my heroes. I am not a stay at home mom, and I don't have children but the last week and a half have opened my eyes to what my future might have in store down the road. I am living at home this month trying to fundraise a little bit more of my monthly income before heading back to campus. This is a hard enough job in itself, really because I'm a chicken and it's the hardest thing for me to do! On top of that though, now that I am home my mom is loving the fact that she has more hands to help her around the house. Now don't get me wrong, I love helping her and I want to pull my weight, but man am I exhausted at the end of the day! The work never ends! There are always loads of laundry to be washed, animals to be fed, carpet to be vacuumed and dishes to be put away. It is inspiring to me that many women wake up to these tasks every day AND take care of their babies. I am inspired because there are some days that all I have wanted to do is complain and believe me, I have. I whine about the mess I just cleaned up and how laundry seems to grow by the minute. Only today have I stopped to think, maybe I'm being prepped for the future. Maybe this is a chance to get a glimpse into the beauty of being a stay at home mother.....
It isn't a glamorous job! No one even knows what gets done! But these are the tasks that must be done every day to keep a house in order and a family clean. These small, simple, tedious tasks are expressions of love.
I'm wondering now if I could be ready to accept this day to day work as my job right now. With all the complaining I've done, I'm thinking I still have a ways to go! I want to gracefully accept all this work and do it out of love for my own family. It's funny thinking about the ways the Lord chooses to bless me with preparation!
So today I'm saying a prayer for all the mothers and wives who do this every day. God bless them for their "yes" to their vocations, and their willingness to serve in all the small and unnoticed ways they do.